Saturday, December 7, 2013

Sean Hannity Recommends NJoy For Women

This past week on the Sean Hannity radio program, Sean recommended the Njoy electronic cigarette for women. Why? Because he knows as well as I do that Njoy is a far safer alternative to traditional cigarette products. This factor lends itself toward a healthier body, which means a better life!

Regular Cigarettes

Let's quickly take a look at why regular cigarettes are so bad for women. The tobacco companies take regular old tobacco (which itself isn't at all healthy) and mix it with 1000+ chemicals to make it not only tasty, but addictive as well. The result is a concoction literally capable of killing you. Each time you puff a cigarette, you let thousands of nasty chemicals into your body that damage your organs, affect your stamina and slowly but surely drain you of life.

Electronic Cigarettes

Electronic cigarettes like the Njoy one Sean Hannity recommends contain zero tobacco. That's right. All that junk is gone. All that it contains is nicotine. You see the orange thing above in the picture? It's a cartridge. Within it is a mixture of liquid propylene and nicotine. When heated, that solution turns into a water vapor that contains nicotine and nothing else. You inhale the 'vape' and get your nicotine fix, all while avoiding all the chemicals associated with cigarettes.

Njoy Electronic Cigarettes

Njoy happens to be an especially popular brand of e-cigarettes. Even Sean Hannity recommends them, for goodness gracious! They have a solid reputation for helping women quit smoking cigarettes. They are also safe, budget-friendly and of course well-known. There are dozens of brands you can choose from, but I personally highly recommend Njoy because I myself use it every single day. I have in fact been using this brand since 2010 when I quit smoking.

Giving It A Shot

If you are a woman who smokes cigarettes, then I recommend you follow my lead and try the Njoy electronic cigarette today. If you know Sean Hannity like I know Sean Hannity, then you also know that Sean Hannity never recommends products that he himself doesn't trust and believe in. He chose to represent Njoy because like me, he knows the value of a good product. And he in particular recommend Njoy for women because he knows they're the best quit smoking option out there!